Timmins_Police_Service_logo_updTimmins Police are once again reminding drivers about the importance of stopping for the school bus. This reminder follows a collision which occurred on Monday, March 30.

At approximately 8:30 a.m., a school bus was stopped on Highway 101 E., in the area of Carium Road, with lights activated and stop arm extended. A vehicle travelling westbound was stopped for the school bus, and was struck from behind by another vehicle travelling westbound when the driver failed to perceive the stopped school bus.

Fortunately, all occupants of the school bus were loaded in the bus at the time of the collision, and no injuries were sustained. The driver of the vehicle which struck the stopped vehicle was charged with careless driving pursuant the Highway Traffic Act of Ontario.

Officers from the Traffic Services section of the Timmins Police Service have been closely monitoring this area. On Wednesday, April 8, a motorist was charged with failing to stop for a school bus, a charge which carries a fine of $490 plus six demerit points under the Highway Traffic Act.

Drivers are reminded that failing to stop for the school bus will lead to charges and, more importantly, can have tragic consequences. Motorists are required to stop for school buses on all area roads and highways when buses are stopped with lights flashing and stop-arm extended. Police are advising drivers to use extra caution on area highways, which can have an increased volume of traffic, travelling at higher speeds than city streets.