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The Mushkegowuk Council has their new leader.

Jonathon Salomon is replacing Lawrence Martin who’d been elected following the death of Grand Chief, Stan Louittit in 2014.  Salomon beat runner-up Terry Metatawabin by over 100 votes while Martin finished in third place with 293 votes.

Also announced was the result of the Deputy Grand Chief vote where Rebecca Friday took the win with nearly 600 votes. She;s breplacing former Deputy Grand Chief, Leo Friday.  A total of 1,504 ballots were casts.

Nishnawbe-Aki Nation Grand Chief, Alvin Fiddler was quick to express his congratulations to the Kashechewan First Nations winners.

“I am pleased to congratulate the election of Grand Chief Jonathon Solomon and Deputy Grand Chief Rebecca Friday and am confident that their experience, wisdom and leadership will help advance the interests of the Mushkegowuk Cree communities and strengthen Nishnawbe Aski Nation,” said Grand Chief Alvin Fiddler.

“Jonathon and Rebecca have served Kashechewan with distinction during their many years on council and have led their community though many crisis situations including several evacuations due to seasonal flooding. I am confident that the Mushkegowuk Nation will be well-served by their leadership and I look forward to working closely with them.

A total of 1,504 ballots were casts.