2015 debate“Stephen Harper walked away from the North, now John Curley walks away from Timmins.”

That was the title of an article sent to media by incumbent MP Charlie Angus on John Curley’s decision to skip a debate, mere hours before it’s scheduled to begin.

The message couldn’t be clearer: John Curley skipped town rather than defending Stephen Harper’s record.

Charlie Angus says he can’t believe that Curley refused to participate in a Timmins media debate that had been planned for over a month.

“John Curley is sending the people of Timmins a very clear message. If he isn’t willing to show up to defend his record before the election you know he won’t be there to fight for the people after the election.”

Angus says that he has never heard of a candidate skipping a debate in Timmins. The debate had been agreed to by all candidates several weeks ago.

“This is a total blatant disrespect for the voters in Timmins. I’d like to know how you can ask for people to vote for you when you aren’t event willing to show up to talk to them. John Curley is clearly Stephen Harper’s man. He is not there for the people of the north.”

Under Harper’s watch the Conservatives have:

  • Cut FEDNOR’s budget by 25 percent and failed to spend another 8 million on regional economic development funding in Northern Ontario
  • Cut 36 billion dollars from our health care system
  • Cut Old Age Security and failed to improve pensions
  • Cut Veteran affairs staff by 23%, shuttered 9 Veterans services offices, and withheld 1 billion dollars in spending on Veterans

“Unlike John Curley I’m not afraid to show up and defend my record. People know that I don’t take their trust lightly. I work hard and I show up. This is the kind of work ethic that people in the north expect.”

Conservative campaign manager Dennis Butler wrote to media outlets at about 2pm Thursday afternoon to notify them of Curley’s upcoming absence, saying he will instead take part in a community rally in Elk Lake that supports his campaign.

Curley had gotten the invitation from Reeve Terry Fiset and according to Butler, this development came Wednesday, adding the support “needs to be acknowledged.”

“Our ongoing campaign must take precedence since there is so little time left,” he added.