Ontario NDP MPP for Timiskaming-Cochrane John Vanthof demanded Premier Wynne stop the Liberal government from dismantling public transportation in Northern Ontario, after ONTC employees were forced off the job again.

“Last week, management of the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission locked out workers at its repair shops across the north, in Cochrane and North Bay, a move overturned by the Canada Industrial Relations Board. Now they’re locked out again after negotiators for the company, or the government basically, walked away from the table,” Vanthof said.

“First, the government ends train service. Then they cut back bus routes. Now they’re strong-arming workers.  Northerners are getting the feeling that they fought to take ONTC—to force the government to take them off the auction block, and now it seems they’re putting them on the chopping block.

“Is this government actually determined to destroy public transportation in Northern Ontario?”

Minister of Northern Development and Mines, Michael Gravelle says they’re still committed to keeping the ONTC.

“When  our government under, Kathleen Wynne’s leadership made the decision to hold consultation with northerner to hold 4 of 5 business lines of the ONTC in public hands, that was a proud moment.  We are committed to transforming the ONTC ensure economic employment, continue economic growth, and a strong tranportation network across Northern Ontario.  It is also important a critical component to keeping the ONTC sustainable is supporting labour arbitration.  We need to have the labour agreement in place.”