The Hollinger Park forum in October brought many ideas to the table.  The park itself is set for some work in 2016.  PHOTO BY MARK PARE/ROGERS MEDIA
The Hollinger Park forum in October brought many ideas to the table. The park itself is set for some work in 2016. PHOTO BY MARK PARE/ROGERS MEDIA

It’s taken a couple years, but much-needed work will be done on the Hollinger Park parking lot in 2016.

City council says the cost will be around $750,000.  Comments came about on possibly splitting the construction in two phases, but Director of Public Works Luc Duval put those thoughts to bed as a multi-phase approach would cost the city more due to contamination of gravel to the elements.

There was also talk about looking at the grandstands, which many in town want to keep in as they have a historical value to them.  So much, Councillor Noella Rinaldo pointed out the city could apply for a government grant to have them officially classified as a historical site in the future.

This would be in line with 2017, when Canada celebrates their 150th Anniversary.

At the same time, Councillor Mike Doody points out that the stands aren’t used as much at this point.

To top off work being done at the park, the city is spending $125,000 into the Splashpad.