council group pictureYour tax ratios are up for debate tonight at city council.

A tax report is also on the docket — along with another report on the waste water plant.

Stay up to the minute with our live blog starting at 6:00pm.

(Keep refreshing the page as the night goes along for updates!)

Rinaldo is not present due to the death of her brother.

Mayor Black is adding a presentation to the agenda regarding Fort MacMurray.

We start with Katrena Pelchat with TWIG, which stands for “Together to Inspire & Grow.”

This is an initiative to provide fresh food to local residents.

CLICK HERE to see her full presentation.

She is bringing the community for a ‘bean challenge,’  where TWIG will provide beans to residents to plant throughout the community.

Council looks to be on board for this unanimously.

Black thanks Pelchat for the presentation.


We go to Scott Tam and Luc Duval for their annual report on the water filtration plant.

CLICK HERE for their presentation.

Looks pretty status quo, and we go to drinking water quality report.

CLICK HERE to get up to speed with that report.


Mayor Black now going to a presentation on the Fort Mac situation.

There is a request from the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to help in the efforts out west.

Black makes mention that Timmins dealt with forest fires in 2012.

Doody talks about the flooding in the late 90’s, as Timmins spent time trying to raise funds and many around the province came through.

He added the fire in 2012 may have hit Timmins if it wasn’t for a change in wind direction.

Doody would like the city to contribute $5,000 to the cause.

Black gets a consensus vote on this and council votes in favour.


To a culvert on Bertrand Road by Glenn Guillemette.

The resident wrote a note to council, which can be found HERE.

Duval says they will take a look at it.

Guillemete has a question at the end of the reading.  He asks to be notified when a report on this is done, and they will.


Next is street closures for the Urban Park, which is revised to be a mobile Urban Park.

See the closure schedule HERE.

Council passes it.


Next is a street closure for BACON FEST!

This event is being put on by The Working Class and Radical Gardens.

(My goodness that just sounds heavenly!)

This request is to close Second Avenue between Cedar and Balsam South and parking lot of the Fire Department from 9am July 15th and 1-4pm on July 17th.

CLICK HERE for full details.

Council votes YES!

(Save this reporter some bacon!)


Street closure for the Timmins Golden Trails Festival.

Full details can be found HERE.

It is passed.


Ride for Memories Event street closures are passed, as is the PRIDE Event.


Now to a resolution to support the creation of a task force on human trafficking.

See the full resolution HERE, as council has approved their support.


Now to a resolution on the TransCanada Pipeline Energy East Project.

Black is amending the resolution to look at water-related concerns, considering the pipeline would run near North Bay and have voiced their concerns in the past.

Council passes the amendment.


The next few are to support resolutions from other cities and towns.

Sustainable water resources agreement, to support Thunder Bay is passed.

No wake legislation from Township of Gillies is passed.

Incentives for physicians to practice in rural areas of Ontario (Bluewater, ON) is passed.

Rising energy costs from Sault Ste Marie is passed.


To reports, the first being just over $3,000 for the Multicultural Festival.

Marks isn’t supporting it due to the fact council is out of funds.

Bamford is supporting it, but also asks the clerk to make a list at budget time of annual events to put into the budget for the future.

There’s mention that this event came out of the ‘promotions’ account until most recently, when it came out of the ‘Grants to Organizations’ account.

Doody says he has no problem supporting this, as it’s money well spent for a quality event.

Grzela says there’s great benefits to expose yourself to other cultures around the world.  He’s clearly in support of this.

Black says council has to decide on whether they want to facilitate events.

Marks is the only to vote against it, and it passes.


Next is another donation request, this one for the Porcupine Agricultural Fall Fair.

They’re asking for just over $10,000.  This event is traditionally funded through the ‘Grants to Organizations’ account.

Dubeau and Grzela both mention doing a 50/50 partnership for the event, both saying the event is great for the city.

Marks is voting against it for the same reason.

Bamford says it’s only fair to provide the 100%.

Everyone votes against the amendment, except for Grzela and Dubeau so that’s defeated.

The original resolution is passed, with Marks, Grzela and Dubeau voting against it.


Water filtration plant and annual drinking water report are both passed without questions.


Road reconstruction for Birch Street is next.

The city is looking to have project done by Interpaving Limited for just over $1.3-million.

Another report will come back on this.


Next is tender results for liquid dust suppressant.

They recommend the work go to Da-Lee Dust Control for over $108,000.

Dubeau asks if they could look into asking Goldcorp to order it in bulk to save some money.

This will come back.


Asphalt contract will also come back without questions, same with lease agreement with Chenier Motors.


Next is the tax rate reports from Treasurer Jim Howie.

CLICK HERE to see the numbers.

After tons of numbers talk that you might need a degree to understand (I know I do lol), this will come back.



Establishing tax ratios for prescribed property classes is passed.

Adopt additional tools for limits on a new construction for commercial, industrial and multi-residential property classes is passed.

Adopt capping limits for commercial, industrial and multi-residential property classes is passed.

Establish percentages by which tax decreases and limited for 2016 for commercial, industrial and multi-residential property classes is passed.

Fix rate of taxation for 2016, and set due date for final tax bill is passed.

Amend zoning by-law for Elm Street, Timberlock – Steve Morin is passed.

Appointment of municipal law enforcement officers at various locations is passed.

Agreement with Provost Roofing to replace roof at the McIntyre Curling Club is passed.

Agreement with Advanced Security for school guard crossing services is passed.

Agreement with Interpaving for rout and seal on various streets is passed.

Lease agreement with Chenier Motors is passed.

Agreement with Miller Paving for 2016 asphalt contract is passed.

Agreement with Interpaving for Birch Street reconstruction is passed.

Agreement with Da-Lee Dust Control for supply of liquid dust suppressant is passed.

Doody finishes meeting with comments on the Northern Ontario Expo.  He says he went Saturday and couldn’t find a spot in the parking lot, adding he’s never seen so many good looking “kleg-horns”.  That was met with laughter throughout the chambers.

“I think they’ve caught onto something,” he said, congratulating officials on a well-run event.

and council is adjourned!