ogorman intermediate

The road to a good education starts by walking onto school property.

For students at O’Gorman Intermediate Catholic School, that path is brand new, thanks to initiative taken by the Northeast Catholic District School Board (NCDSB).

Community Relations Officer Andrew Marks says the school had a very steep slope at the entrance way and some asphalt was deteriorating.

“There was health and safety concerns when students were being picked up or dropped off or people were entering into the facility,” he said.

At first, the board was just looking at repairing asphalt.  But then, they came to the conclusion to do the job right and have a more gradual entrance to the school property.

The parking lot also got paved, in an effort to track less gravel into the school.  The lot was previously made of gravel and rocks.

Marks says the project went according to schedule, and was on budget (which came in at around $200,000).  The money to pay came primarily from government grants.

Students at OICS return to class Tuesday.

Filed under: Local News