It looks as if clean up efforts will continue at the site of last year’s train derailment near Gogama.

Fire Chief Mike Benson says CN Rail asked the Ministry of Enviornment to go back in, “specifically through the areas that they identified that the oil was still above safe limits.”

Benson adds that when CN made the request and was subsequently asked why by the MOE, the response from CN was that public pressure made this happen.

It was a reassuring sign, David slaying Goliath if you will.

“Everybody thought (you) couldn’t go up against corporation like CN and we were fighting two Ministries at the same time and we accomplished what we set out to do,” Benson says.

There are still meetings going on going forward.  Benson says they have a tentative meeting with Dr. David Suzuki on November 18th.

But from here, the fire chief adds they’ll be monitoring the situation as they have been and will wait to see what developments are made before taking any new steps.

Filed under: Local News