The Timmins Police Service – Traffic Section is issuing a reminder to all motorists that winter is here, and with that, additional time and attention behind the wheel is a safety requirement.

The following tips are meant to remind, not scold, local drivers:

  1. If you have winter tires, the time to install them is here. Inspect them for wear, damage or defect before you have them installed
  2. Odds are we will have “black ice” situations before we have legitimate snow falls. A light dusting of snow will melt through the day and then refreeze in the evening making for slippery road surfaces. Be aware, especially in shadowed stretches on roadway as they can remain prone to glare ice all day long. Bridges are more prone to icy spots as well.
  3. All Wheel Drive and Four Wheel Drive are beautiful features on any vehicle. They are no replacement for attentive driving, speed appropriate to the road conditions, and a healthy distance between you and the vehicle you follow. A common fallacy is that AWD is beneficial in terms of your vehicle’s stopping distance…it simply is not.
  4. Spin your tires…lose your traction. Punching the throttle on a wintery surface will cause you to lose control…gentle acceleration ensures you remain in control of your vehicle.
  5. You’ve seen this guy… Don’t be that guy…The guy who drives with a snowbank on the hood, roof, or trunk of his car. Visibility is a key feature to reaching your destination safely. Take the time to allow your vehicle to warm up. Remove all excess snow from your vehicle while you wait. It’s not only courteous to other drivers; maintaining a clear view is a legal requirement under the Highway Traffic Act.
  6. Look for hazards down the road as you drive. Snowplows, pedestrians, reindeer: any of these can cause you to have to slow down vigorously. See the hazard and anticipate what you may have to do in terms of braking or steering.
  7. Tailgating is good at NFL games and not so good as you navigate through traffic.  Your following distance should be two and half times that of summer driving.  Winter rule of thumb: leave 2 car lengths for every 15 km/h of speed at which you travel.
Filed under: Local News