The Timmins Police Service is issuing a reminder for local motorists to be mindful of ways to reduce winter driving hazards. A significant number of collisions in Timmins are intersection related with most being deemed preventable.

With the above in mind, the Timmins Police traffic Section is issuing the following driving tips.

  1. Apply yourself to the task at hand: Driving is a cognitive skill that demands all your attention. Read the road ahead of you and identify potential situations requiring you to take action behind the wheel. Being alert always pays off.
  2. Be mindful of pedestrians at intersections. In winter, most pedestrians and bundled up in such a way that their peripheral vision is obscured. Be alert and adjust your driving accordingly.
  3. Clear your windshield and side windows thoroughly before venturing out onto city streets. Take the necessary time to allow your vehicle to completely defrost your line of sight. Driving with a peep hole of clear windshield serves no one and can lead to charges.
  4. Clear your mirrors: your vehicle mirror is a safety feature that too many drivers tend to ignore. Being aware of traffic coming up from behind and/or overtaking you will add to your overall safety.
  5. Clear your headlights, taillights and signal lights. Signaling your intention to turn, change lanes, or stop is important to your safety. If other traffic cannot make see your signal lights, they have no prospect of knowing what you are about to do.
  6. Take your snow load off your vehicle. Drivers who fail to clear snow from their vehicles end up causing visibility issues for every driver in their wake. It takes 5 minutes and a little elbow grease but this practice is not only courteous but enhances roadway safety.
  7. Keep your windshield washer reservoir full. Road salt spray can obscure your ability to see adequately. Winter rated windshield washer fluid is vital to your safe travels.
  8. Double down on safety: Increase your following distance by twice as much as you would in ideal conditions. Your stopping distance increases significantly on snow packed or icy roadways. Also, tailgating is rude driving behavior that leads to preventable collisions.

The Timmins Police Service investigates motor vehicle collisions on a daily basis. In nearly every case, some form of driver error or lack of attention leads to these collisions.

The Timmins Police Service is actively working on keeping roadways safe.

The motoring public is asked to shoulder their share of the burden and drive responsibly at all times.

Filed under: Local News