Ontario Regional Chief RoseAnne Archibald and the Chiefs of Ontario stand with the First Nations Veterans on National Aboriginal Veterans Day and upcoming Remembrance Day. It is estimated that around 12,000 Indigenous Peoples of Canada had volunteered to sacrifice their lives for the freedom of all during the WWI and WWII; and today we pay tribute and respects to those who fought on our behalf and celebrate the contributions made by these individuals as they played a tremendous role in protecting our freedom and shaping our country.

“Today, we recognize National Aboriginal Veterans Day, which began on November 8, 1994 as a way for Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island to celebrate our own and through our traditions. On behalf of the Chiefs in Ontario, I’d like to acknowledge the contributions made by all First Nations Veterans on Nationals Aboriginal Veterans Day and Remembrance Day.

As we know, First Nations veterans who served during these wars had to give up their Treaty Rights by forced enfranchisement and although they were not subject to conscription during these wars, many volunteered with generosity, bravery and willingness to fight for the freedom for all. We say thank you to our warriors who have served and to those who have passed on to the spirit world; your accomplishments are remembered and deeply appreciated by everyone as your deep and abiding love for your families, communities and all of Canada are with us.

We offer our upmost respect to the many First Nations veterans who fought in the world wars and who were honoured or acknowledged for their sacrifice much later than other veterans, many decades later. We deeply admire these brave men and women for their strength and sacrifice, not only today, but every day. I’d also like to recognize and honour the Indigenous peoples who are currently serving in the Canadian Armed Forces; your contributions are greatly valued by us now and the future generations yet to come.”

Ontario Regional Chief RoseAnne Archibald

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