Colleges Ontario published its 2017-2018 performance indicators for Ontario colleges on Monday, November 19, 2018, and again Collège Boréal stands out by earning the top rank in three of the five evaluated performance indicators.

Since 1998, the government of Ontario requires that colleges collect and submit their performance data annually in five areas: graduate satisfaction, student satisfaction, employer satisfaction, graduate employment and graduation rate.

Collège Boréal maintains its status as Ontario’s top-ranking college

Year after year, Collège Boréal has achieved outstanding results in the evaluation of performance indicators and its results for 2017-2018 extend the trend.

For the 14th time in 17 years, Boréal ranks first in Ontario for graduate satisfaction and for the 17th time in 18 years, Boréal ranks first for graduation rate.

For all five performance indicators, Collège Boréal has equaled or surpassed the average of all 24 Ontario colleges.

In particular, Collège Boréal boasts outstanding results for the student satisfaction indicator. For a third consecutive year, Boreal students have ranked their college first among all 24 Ontario colleges.

Boréal has also reached new heights this year by achieving the best results for each of the four key questions aimed at student satisfaction with their college experience.

Performance indicators are tools that allow colleges to demonstrate their accomplishments and to identify areas of improvement within their programs and services in order to better meet the needs of their students.

The Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities also uses this data to advise and inform the government about colleges, to plan the development of the college network and to monitor the implementation of college-related policies.

The results of the survey are posted online at www.collegesontario.ca.


“These impressive results express our students and graduates’ high degree of confidence in their Boréal experience. I wish to thank them for their appreciation, which is due to the commitment and devotion of our teams all across the province. Our staff has made the Boréal brand synonymous with quality training and a supportive learning environment.” Daniel Giroux, president of Collège Boréal

Quick facts

Student satisfaction rate 
? 86.3% of students are satisfied with the learning experience, support services and educational resources they received at Collège Boréal (top ranking). This result is 9.9 points above the provincial average;
? 94.8% of students consider that Collège Boréal provides them with the knowledge and skills they will need in their careers (top ranking);
? 86.5% of students indicate that their program provides quality learning experiences;
? 81.2% of students appreciate the overall quality of Collège Boréal’s services (top ranking), a result that is 20.1 points higher than the provincial average;
? 82.6% of students consider that Collège Boréal offers quality physical resources and equipment;
? 80% of students consider that Boréal’s staff truly cares about their success (23% above provincial average);
? 82% are pleased with their overall college experience (15% above provincial average);
? 90% of students would recommend Collège Boréal to their friends and other interested persons.
Graduate satisfaction rate
? 89.6% of graduates are satisfied or very satisfied with their college experience (top ranking), a result that is 10.1 points higher than the provincial average;
? 95% of graduates would recommend Collège Boréal to their friends and other interested persons;
? 91% of graduates would recommend their respective programs as well.
Graduation rate
? 75.3% of students enrolled at Collège Boréal obtained their diploma, a result that is 8.5 points higher than the provincial average.
Employability rate
? 89% of Collège Boréal graduates have found a job.
? Collège Boréal ranks first among northern Ontario colleges for student placement.
Employer satisfaction
? 92.3% of employers who hired a Collège Boréal graduate are satisfied or very satisfied with their employee;
? 90% of employers would recommend hiring a Collège Boréal graduate to other employers.

About Collège Boréal

Established in 1995, Collège Boréal is a French language post-secondary training and learning institution dedicated to the development and growth of communities throughout Ontario.

Collège Boréal offers comprehensive programs and services in 7 campuses and 38 access centres in 27 communities throughout the province. Since 1995, approximately 120,000 clients across Ontario have benefited from Collège Boréal’s expertise relating to post-secondary education, training programs, immigration and settlement services, and employment services. Collège Boréal has established over 120 articulation agreements with other post-secondary institutions.

According to the Key Performance Indicators recognized by the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities, Collège Boréal holds the top rank in three of the five areas surveyed: graduation rate, graduate satisfaction and, for the third consecutive year, student satisfaction. These results show that Boreal’s strengths lie in its investment in human capital.

For further information

To learn more about our programs and services, visit our website at www.collegeboreal.ca, Facebook page or Twitter account.

Filed under: Local News