We have opened for applications for the 2019 year. Anyone wanting to apply for any sports that start before April 1st 2019 must apply at the Sportsplex arena lower foyer Tuesday & Thursday between 9:30 and 1:30 before Dec 20th as after that date we are closed until January 5th. In January all applications for sports starting between May 1st and Sept 1st must be received. You cannot apply after the sports registration has occurred and cannot apply at the last minute.

You need 2017 Notice of assessment, pay stubs for all adults supporting the child and after March 20th you need your 2018 Notice of assessment. All children in the family and all sports must be applied for at the same time. Information on our website www.sportsforkidstimmins.com

The annual meeting and elections for the board of Sports for Kids Timmins will occur Dec 10th at 6:30 pm at the Sportsplex arena. In order to attend and vote you must me a Sports for Kids member.  Memberships are $10.00 and are for sale until Dec  1st at the office at the Sportsplex Arena foyer Tuesday and Thursday from 9 to 2 pm.


Filed under: Local News