The Government of Canada announced new regulations for anyone travelling through Canadian airports and in-flight, requiring the use of face coverings that cover the mouth and nose.

Literature released by the Government states that “travellers must confirm that they have in their possession the mandatory non-medical mask or face covering (large enough to cover their mouth and nose) as part of the registration or check-in process otherwise they will not be allowed to continue on their journey.”

The mask or face covering, at a minimum, must be worn at airport screening checkpoints, during the flight when travellers cannot physically distance from others, including at all times when they are two meters or less from another person (except another occupant of the person’s private home – and whenever possible.) Travellers may also be directed by an official of the air operator, the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority, a Canada Border Services Agency officer, or a Canadian public health official to wear their mask.

While there are certain exceptions in place, the Government advises that “wearing a face covering over the mouth and nose is an important additional measure that all travellers can take to protect those around them…especially in situations where physical distancing guidelines cannot be maintained. Refusal to comply with the wearing of a non-medical mask or face covering could result in a fine of $5,000. Travellers are also reminded to practice good hygiene by frequently washing their hands and sneezing into their sleeve or a tissue.”

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