Northern College announces the release of its inaugural Academic Plan (2020-2023), a guiding document to oversee the College’s innovative approach to curriculum, student life and enrolment growth, for the next three years.


“As an institution, our educational philosophy is built upon our beliefs, values and assumptions,” stated Dr. Audrey Penner, Northern College President and CEO.  “Our beliefs guide us in the interests of aligning learning with industry need. Our values drive how we do this. Everyone’s learning journey is unique, and we believe all students can and will learn given the right opportunities, time, encouragement and attention.  This philosophy extends to instructors and professors as Northern College moves to make life-long learning a pursuit for both educators and students.”


The document outlines exciting learning and teaching approaches, educational priorities and program growth within the institution – with a driving list of priorities designed to ensure the continual quality evolution of Northern College as it works to meet the needs of the ever-changing climate in modern post-secondary learning.


“The purpose of this academic plan is to provide a ‘road map’ integrating strategic program delivery in a cohesive and clearly articulated way,” stated Dr. Penner.  “This plan is used to augment our strategic plan, guide programming development and delivery, while providing aspirational goals for students, our institution and all employees within the college.”


By placing focus on the needs of students – from their own perspective – Northern will continue to evolve learning environments and processes to best suit the changing job market and learning landscape while centering students at the core of our practices.


“We take a great amount of care to craft this kind of roadmap, leaning heavily on the perspectives of our students, faculty, staff, partners, program advisory committees and community members – including industry, to ensure that our priorities are driven by real needs, perspectives and accountability,” continued Penner.  “From the moment a student applies to Northern College, we aim to tailor their learning experience to their needs wherever possible. Northern is uniquely positioned to do just that thanks to our small class sizes and positive learning environment.”


By focusing on the principles of ‘Universal Design for Learning’ (UDL), Northern College will continue to create best practices for course development, curriculum expansion and student-first learning.  Solidifying this educational philosophy in this way helps shape curriculum, program development and growth of flexible learning delivery.


“We – as individuals – never stop learning. From our mistakes and experiences, our perspectives and understandings are fluid.  True growth, improvement and innovation comes from taking risks and failing and then learning from those moments,” stated Penner. “Our modern world changes at break-neck speed and the education we offer our learners needs to reflect that fluidity, allowing our grads the competitive edge they need when entering or re-entering the workforce and life.”


Northern College is committed to providing students with an adaptable, relevant and affirming learning experiences built on excellence and the 2020-2023 Academic Plan provides the foundation of that promise.

Find out more by reading Northern’s Academic Plan here: http://www.northernc.on.ca/academic-plan-2020-2023/

Filed under: Local News