A lot of organizations and groups in Timmins raise funds to support the city’s needy and homeless.

But most groups don’t personally experience what it’s like to actually step into the shoes of the less fortunate.

That’s what students from Ecole Secondaire Catholique Theriault will be doing this Thursday, when they raise money supporting the YO Mobile, Project Love, the Lord’s Kitchen and the Timmins Food Bank. Students from the school will be lined up on Theriault Blvd. at 5 PM collecting money for the local non-profits. They will then be spending the night in cardboard boxes before going to class on Friday morning.

Two of those students, Kara D’Arcangelo and Christian Ricard, say they want to put themselves in the shoes of those less fortunate and draw the public’s attention to a major problem in the city.

“There are lots of homeless people,” Christian said, “there are lots of people that are less fortunate than us. And I think it’s just important to put ourselves in their shoes just for a night and feel the experience.”

The students know this is one of the top issues in Timmins and something they want to keep raising money for.

“We’d like to make a difference,” said Kara.

The two students say they’re aware of homeless people in the city, even if it’s not obvious to most residents.

“We can see some sometimes,” said Christian, “If you really open your eyes, it’s amazing how many people without homes there are.”

This is the third year Kara and Christian are putting themselves “out there” to raise funds and awareness for the homeless and less fortunate in Timmins. They’ve slept in boxes twice before and they say they’re prepared for the long night ahead on Thursday.

“We have to plan accordingly for the weather,” said Kara, “So we want to make sure we’re not dressed too warm, or not dressed enough so we don’t freeze at night.”

Christian waited ’til the last minute to get his cardboard box to sleep in. But he says he’s started packing already.

“I already started packing my stuff,” he said, “I made sure I packed a warm enough sleeping bag.”

The proceeds from Thursday’s event go towards the YO Mobile, Project Love, the Lord’s Kitchen and the Timmins Food Bank. Kara says she knows how important it is to get funds to the right organizations who can make a difference.

“I think it’s very important,” she said, “because if we give money to these organizations to help them, then they’re helping the less fortunate and the homeless. So they get to get a little bit extra and they get to help them to eat or help them get out of the streets.”

To participate in this event, each student had to raise $75 in pledges. Kara and Christian have been raising money for over a week now, and they hope the donations keep coming on Thursday.

“I think it’s important for them to help us raise money,” said Kara, “so it would be really great if people would make an effort to give donations, even if it’s just a couple quarters or whatever from their car. It still makes a difference.”

The students from E.S.C.T. raised over $4,000 last year, and their goal this year is to surpass last year’s number, something they try for every year.

Students from Ecole Secondaire Catholique Theriault will be on Theriault Blvd., near the Algonquin intersection, on Thursday, September 13th, from 5-6 PM. You’ll see their signs and donation jars and they’ll be hoping for donations from anyone who drives by.


All proceeds raised will be donated to the YO Mobile, Project Love, the Lord’s Kitchen and the Timmins Food Bank.