Every day this week, we are featuring platform highlights from one of the five mayoral candidates in the upcoming election. Our stations have reached out to each mayoral candidate to outline their platform for listeners.  This is Mayoral Candidate Daniel Fortier’s submitted platform.

Our city will be built by using these 3 pillars. These pillars have been used since the roman days and are still being used today. Most pillars are different in cultures, groups, clubs, business and politics. It’s Our way of life. These 3 pillars are how our city can operate.

The 3 pillars of sustainability












Sustainability has become a ritual for city’s and companies big and small. Wal-Mart Stores, McDonald’s and some city officials are incorporating this.

Now other corporations are under pressure to show how they plan to commit and deliver their goods and services in a sustainable manner. This, of course, begs the question of what exactly this all means. 

Sustainability is most often defined as meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. It has three main pillars: economic, environmental, and social. These three pillars are informally referred to as people, planet and profits.


The Environmental Pillar

The environmental pillar often gets the most attention. Companies are focusing on reducing their carbon footprints, packaging waste, water usage and their overall effect on the environment.

I have figured a way to reduce our environmental waste to profit and a better living for the people of Timmins.

Having safe environmental manufactures setting up.

At the present time, I’m in communication with 4 manufactures that will be coming to Timmins to set-up a place to build. But must be past by our future council first. Since the free trade has been destroyed the manufactures are returning to Canada like “Bombadier”is one that buying back to Canada. We expect more manufactures to return to Canada and keep the cost down.

This will create new jobs.

We will Reduce the waste and Making it easier for people to recycle.

Soon our landfill gas will be release and can be used for energy like electricity, something the city is not planning to do in our future, except to burn it.

Our climate is severe and need to be look at.


The Social Pillar

As a community we will build our relationships with our citizens and neighbors; we will educate so that everyone has the information necessary to make the best decisions possible; and we must communicate everything that we are doing and why it is being done. The people have a right to know and have an expectation that their local government will be a vehicle for positive growth and change.

Let’s come together and create the exceptional living experience of a 21st century city.

We will ……

  • Review Council processes to ensure the most efficient and effective system possible;
  • Enhance the relationships between Council and its boards and committees;
  • Maintain the financial integrity
  • Develop and evaluate the policies and programs
  • Engage the public, business and political entities to have a say in how our government should function.

On the employee side, businesses refocus on retention and engagement strategies, including more responsive benefits such as flexible scheduling, and learning and development opportunities. For community engagement, companies have come up with many ways to give back, including fundraising, sponsorship, scholarships and investment in local public projects.

On a global social scale, a business needs to be aware of how its supply chain is being filled. Are people being paid fairly? Is the work environment safe? Many of the large retailers have struggled with this as public outrage over tragedies, which have illustrated previously unaccounted for risks in sourcing from the lowest-cost supplier. corporations embrace sustainability and whether it is a true change of direction or just lip service.


The Economic Pillar

I must reinvent its economy to reflect the changes in our society.

We need to diversify our economy and focus outside the box..

We as a city can’t just stand around a pray that we have mines opening soon or staying open. We must keep the economy going.

We need to focus on other gain of production. Example, our environment: use it wisely.

Re use our waste product and Re invent the wheel

one manufacture will be setting up in Timmins and they will be using plastic waste, water bottles, shampoo bottle, grocery bags. #2, #4, #5 they will also set up vending machines around town that will dispense money as you do a return. This will help the poor and keep our streets clean.

They also create plastic funiture, 2×4 2×6 plastic wood. Decks, fencing, siding, roof tiles…… no more cutting down trees.  this will also help out my last plan of action.

The 2nd manufacture, I talk about will pick up the rest of the plastic and incorporate it in our roads. we will do pilots testing to make sure it is safe and how long the roads will last in our climate.

The good news is Tahoe mines are talking about creating a new road for themselves by using kraft creek road. hopefully this will help our hwy. In town.

With houses mortgages going up and rent also. We need to create affordable homes and help people that are in need.

These manufactures that will be coming to Timmins and build little affordable home. Living off the grid !!!. Once we finalized things with counsel and our bylaws we can proceed to incorporate this new journey. With this new program we can “rent to own” at $1.00 a sq/ft. that’s around 400.00 a mth. After 7 years it can be there’s. with the help of manufacture # one we can use these products at a lower cost to build.

But there a catch….. you must take a financial literacy class or other classes that will be required they must also volunteer in the neighborhood watch program.

Hopefully we can convince another corporation that will build us a plant that generates electricity from our land fill gas or someone else may have a brighter idea for us instead of burning it.

We have a rich history and heritage, and we can build on what we have already been blessed with, while creating a dynamic culture that is unique to our community. If we build it, they will come and I don’t mean spending our tax dollars. We need to make Timmins rich again. Getting professional like doctors and there family to want to be part of our heritage.


The Bottom Line

If we work together, using these pillars of life and give each other idea and communicate without arguments, focus on solutions. we can become a better city to live in and show that we do have a heart of gold.

Am I a politician? No… why do I say this? …   I will not lie to get your votes. Promise things that will not happen. You see me the way I am. I Don’t need a $ 400.00-dollar suit or university degree to run the city and pretend who I am not. All I need to do is to listen to the tax payers and be wise with there money. Council are there for you and should be there help you succeed!

I may not have all the answers, but we as the city council will find the answer in a civil way. That’s one reason why you elected us….

Like I mention before, I will take a 2 months pay cut for a good cause and work in every department to have a chance for the staff to talk with me and see what they see. Some of them are pretty smart but never got a chance in life. As I already did.

Hopefully you will vote for me and I do promise I will do my best!!!!