The Timmins Police Service is in receipt of complaints stemming from the use of engine compression braking systems in those locations and at times of day that are prohibited by municipal by-law.

The use of such braking systems is regulated in such a way so that residents are not exposed to unusual noise levels that interfere with their lawful right to enjoy their property.

Commercial Motor Vehicle (CMV) operators are reminded of their obligation to comply with the restrictions that apply to the use of engine compression braking systems where prohibited.

The Timmins Police Service acknowledges that the majority of CMV operators are found to be conscientious and responsible.

There is, however, a small but persistent segment of this driving population who chose to ignore their obligation to adhere to the existing by-laws.

The Timmins Police Service s issuing this reminder to the operators of vehicles equipped with such braking systems with emphasis on the fact that targeted enforcement has been identified as a potential remedy for this situation.

Operators of such vehicles found to be contravening the applicable by-laws can expect a firm and strict response from Timmins Police officers.

Residents have expressed their concern and as a responsible policing agency, the Timmins Police will be monitoring such vehicles to ensure full compliance.

Filed under: Local News