A car waits on Algonquin Blvd in Timmins. The road is up for major re-construction over the next 10 years. Photo via Google Maps.
Algonquin Blvd in Timmins. Photo via Google Maps.


Efforts to relieve traffic congestion on Algonquin continue, and one of the ideas put out there by Councillor Rick Dubeau is to eliminate left hand turns at certain intersections for the majority of the day.

Dubeau is looking at eliminating left turns at lights between Theriault and Spruce—except at Preston, where a dedicated turning lane exists—from 8am to 6pm every day.

Mayor Steve Black says this isn’t an issue whatsoever and people are just frustrated they have to wait.  He says many in big cities down south have to wait through one light cycle on a regular basis.

In Timmins, many drivers take the right lane and proceed through lights on Algonquin to avoid those turning left.

There’s also the thought of if this were to be implemented, left turns at non-lights like the one to get onto Waterloo would create more congestion.

Many around the table agree any changes like this need a lot of thought behind it and this will come back at a later meeting.

Filed under: city-council-news, Local News