The Upper Mattagami River Watershed Water Management Committee (UMRWWMC) convened its first meeting of the year on March 22, 2019 to review watershed conditions and the potential for flooding as we enter the spring freshet. The most recent information collected by the MRCA, OPG and the MNR&F indicates that the snow depth and water content for the Mattagami and Porcupine watersheds are above normal for this time of year. With continuing below normal temperatures, the spring freshet has yet to start.

For the Mattagami River system, Ontario Power Generation is continuing with its normal operating procedures for this time of year as it draws down its reservoirs at Peterlong, Mattagami Lake, Mesomikenda Lake and Kenogamissi Lake.

Although the threat of flooding at this point in time is hard to predict, the weather over the next six to eight weeks will dictate whether or not we can expect high water conditions to develop. The greatest risk for flooding is from significant amounts of rain combined with a sudden rise in temperatures. The Timmins Flood Advisory Committee will begin meeting in April and continue to monitor watershed conditions and issue updates as new information on weather, water levels and stream flows becomes available.

Area residents and outdoor enthusiasts are reminded with warmer weather that lakes, rivers and streams will become very dangerous in the weeks ahead as the ice cover starts to thin and open water begins to appear. Parents should take the time to warn their children to stay away from these hazardous areas.

The Water Management Committee consists of representatives from the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority, the Ministry of Natural Resources & Forestry, Ontario Power Generation and a number of advisors including the municipality of Timmins, local cottagers and outfitters, trappers, Mattagami First Nation and concerned citizens.

For further information, contact the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority at 360-2660.

Filed under: Local News