It was a good day for the Timmins and District Hospital. Earlier this morning they received a visit from John Curley: Director of the Porcupine Kinsmen Club. It wasn’t for medical purposes, Curley wanted to make a donation to the hospital, for a new Vein Finder Unit. The hospital only had one of those units at their disposal, but now; with the help and donation of eight thousand, three hundred and five dollars from the Porcupine Kinsmen, the hospital can now afford to have a second unit at their disposal.

Now you’re probably wondering “that’s great, but what is it for?” The job is in the title, this device is there to help locate veins. Sometimes it can be hard for a nurse to find a vein when it comes to inserting an IV. This device is used to save time, instead of having the nurse poking around your hand to find a vein, they can use this device to locate it within seconds.

Photo taken by: Alain Quevillon


“First thing I thought was, if Sudbury can have these, why can’t the Timmins and District Hospital have the same apparatus?” -Said Curley who is on the right in the image below.

Now with a donation like this, it’s not something you can come up with overnight. After doing his research, and talking with his fellow Kinsmen as well, as the Timmins and District Hospital Foundation; he was able to go through with the donation, and according to him it was not a hard decision to make.

” It’s something that everybody in the city of Timmins might need at some point, so it was an easy sell to them (Timmins District Hospital).”

You heard the saying “two is better than one” well it’s true, since the hospital has purchased the second Vein Finder, they have already used it 4 times, and they didn’t have to run around going to look for the other one. The Hospital is always looking for ways to improve medical treatment methods ,and their efficiency; and this will definitely go a long way moving forward.

Filed under: Local News