Organizers of the Mountjoy Farmers’ Market are thrilled to announce the market’s move to a new location this summer.


Through recent discussions and in recognizing the value of the Farmers’ Market, the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority (MRCA) has granted the Porcupine District Agricultural Society permission to build a permanent structure at the Mountjoy Historical Park.


While construction may not take place during the summer of 2019, the Society was still granted permission to use the location, which is more visible and accessible to the public, to run the market.

The Committee is still looking for more partners to help fund the building, which will be available for many events at the park, in addition to the market.


Drawings are presently in the works, and in the meantime, Eacom Timber Corporation has committed to an in-kind contribution of all the lumber required to construct the 30×100-foot structure, large enough to host over 20 vendors.

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