With the warmer weather, motorcycle season is about to begin.
With this in mind, the Timmins Police Service is issuing a list of safety tips to enhance the safety of those motorists who take to the road on two wheels.
Motorcycles are part of the motoring landscape in town and on area roadways and extra attention is asked of passenger vehicle drivers and commercial vehicle operators as well.

For all motorists:
1) Drive defensively: allowing for motorcycle traffic to maneuver is appreciated
2) Give your blind spots a little more attention before changing lanes
3) Don’t crowd the motorcycle in front of you especially at or nearing an intersection.
4) Be on the lookout for motorcycles and provide them with adequate space in traffic
5) Avoid distraction while driving: motorcyclists are counting on you to be alert at the wheel
6) Look twice before completing a turn at an intersection: motorcycles are often overlooked
For motorcyclists:
1) Always perform a pre-ride bike inspection, lights, signals, and tires merit your careful attention.
2) Be wary of intersections: sand left over from the winter season can pose traction issues.
3) Watch for road hazards: potholes and frost heave damage pose challenges to the rider
4) Wear reflective gear: the idea is to be as conspicuous in traffic as possible
5) Where possible, travel in groups so that your road presence and visibility is enhanced
6) Ride well within your skill level: know your level of experience and respect it

Filed under: Local News