council group pictureA couple key presentations highlight city council Monday night.

AECOM will be there for a look at design work for the Connecting Link, and council will hear an update on a recent lane closure on Algonquin.

Mayor Steve Black will also talk about last week’s Good Road’s Conference.

Our live blog starts at 6:00pm.

(Keep refreshing the page as the night goes along for updates!)

The city website doesn’t have HTML versions of individual items tonight, so if you want to follow any presentation or note, CLICK HERE for the agenda!

We start off with the design of the Connecting Link with AECOM.  (The 63-page report/presentation can be found in the agenda link.)

Pat Seguin says this is merely a preliminary report, and will be used to help the engineers establish the final design.

The Connecting Link has 8 bridges and 21+ km involved.

The base preliminary cost is $95.5-million, with enhancements like bicycle lanes to cost an additional $48.9-million.  There looks to be a 10-year plan in place, the first being this year with construction between east of Rea Hill to the Bruce Y near South Porcupine.

The 2016 portion of the project would be $4.5-million, with a $3-million grant application in with the Ontario government through the Connecting Link fund.

A median barrier along Rea Hill is also being discussed, and would cost an additional $3.5-million.

There are many moving parts to this presentation, one big item of note is what to do with the bridge over Algonquin near Spruce Street.

Officials with AECOM says taking out the bridge wouldn’t be a big “game-changer” for pedestrians, as they can cross at the nearby intersection at Spruce, but there would be a problem with snowmobilers who use the bridge as a route.

AECOM is also laying out options for traffic detours when construction is taking place east of the Mattagami Bridge.

Councillors are asking a few questions regarding things that are later on in the presentation.  You can tell everyone is eager to learn what AECOM has on this.

The width of the road is under provincial standards.  In terms of the traffic flows, AECOM is recommending to prohibit left turns at all intersections except for Preston, where there is a turning lane in place.

AECOM will also be back in May to discuss traffic flows further.

A public information hearing will be held on Tuesday, March 8th from 4-8pm at the McIntyre Arena auditorium.

Black says with the majority of the project after the next municipal election, he suggests having a referendum during the election process on whether or not to bury the hydro lines for over $30-million.

Everything involved in this discussion is a Class “C” estimate.


After a 3-hour presentation and discussion, we move on to the Finn Road bridge crossing.

This is a bridge that’s east of Municipal Road.  It’s in fair to poor condition with severe corrosion and section loss of the main steel beams.

The bridge services 68 properties, with no commercial usage.


The Schumacher Lions Club is up with Kenn Lessard.

They are looking for $20,000 worth of savings that they would put into a couple shows at the McIntyre Arena (the Craft Show during the Christmas season and the Sportsman Show in the spring).

Marks looks at this as more of a partnership, and the talk around the table looks to be favourable for the Lions Club.


We have a five-minute break after what’s already been a long meeting thus far.  Still plenty of items up for discussion so stay here!


Steve Kukulka is up to discuss the lane closure (that has since reopened) on Algonquin between Avenue Road and Charles Street.

Again, the full agenda with all the details are in the link above (HERE it is so you don’t have to scroll up.)

The section is scheduled for full re-construction in 2018, as part of the Connecting Link project.

Some councillors are asking if this could be pushed ahead earlier.  Black says the project is in their preliminary design, and the section between Theriault and the Mattagami Bridge could be moved up.

Dubeau says this section should be made a priority.


A letter from AMO is asking for other towns to have broader investment powers.

Thus far, only Toronto has this ability and this letter is to give others that power.

It will come back for approval at the next meeting.


Next is Mayor Black on a letter from the MNR on black bear management in Ontario.

He is appreciative of Ministers hearing concerns of the north, and extending the Spring Bear Hunt to 2020.

Letter from the Town of Aurora goes without questions.


Onto reports, and the first is membership fees for NEOMA.

It is passed.


Rotary Club’s request for donation for ParkFest at a little over $13,000.

It is passed.


Downtown BIA budget approval is passed.


Lease agreement with Randy McMaster is heard, and will come back in by-laws.

New municipal law enforcement officer is next.

Dubeau points out that this is for two new hires, and Grzela wants by-law officer James Lefebvre is called up to speak on the report.

He says the two new hires would replace two winter parking officers.

These two would help in taking care of things like the garbage by-law and the open air burning by-law.

The two hires would be under a two-year contract.

The issue has developed into an extended discussion on the value of having by-law officers that go around and hold residents accountable, generating revenue for the city.

A complaint that Bamford says he hears is that the officers don’t enforce the by-laws.

Grzela says they owe it to the residents that follow the by-laws to have more enforcement, and that it’s an issue of fairness.

This will come back for full approval.


No discussion on the rate increases and Dubeau asks to possibly have the other two fire department-related reports deferred, and council votes in favour of that.


Now to Black’s time at the Good Road’s Conference.

He says this has probably been the meeting that’s produced the most good news for Northern Ontario, specifically the funding increase for the Connecting Link fund and an infrastructure grant increase.


Now to sea containers with Rinaldo.

She says there’s no by-law in place for them, and will need one as they’re becoming more and more popular.

Council votes to have the clerk look at it.



Repealing the building by-law is passed.

Agreement with Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade in regards to immigration portal is passed.

Rate increases for towing by-law is passed.

Temporary tent structures is passed.

Lease agreement with Randy McMaster for 59 Father Costello Drive is passed.

Finn Road Bridge posting for weight restriction is passed.