MacIntyre Arena

It’s not the new the Timmins Rock were hoping for.

The city’s running behind on renovations to the McIntyre Arena to accommodate to the new Junior ‘A’ team.

Director of development and community services, Mark Jensen says the place isn’t in shambles but says work is progressing slower than they’d like.

“We’re under quite a bit of pressure to get things done in time.  The only major issue is the change room, dressing room, shower area.  We did go out to get pricing on that and it came back at around twice as much as we thought it would cost, so we’re tackling that in house.”

“I don’t want people to think the place is in shambles. We will be a little late getting the dressing room ready but it will be done by September.”

Councillor Joe Campbell also brought the lack of renovations to city council attention, saying he only saw one man working there in four days installing drywall.  Jensen says this is due to a staffing issue.

The Timmins Rock play an exhibition game at the Mac next Saturday.