bearThere’s been a major jump in bear calls in 2015, according to the MNRF.

Bear Management Technician Kate Cranney says they have received 204 calls so far in 2015, up from 137 at this time in 2014.

She adds multiple calls could be attributed to the same bear, but adds with a late spring frost, bears didn’t have the convenience of having blueberries because the flowers were damaged.

Cranney says it’s been a rather dry season, which could also delay the growing of other fruit in the forests.

When it comes to bear prevention, she adds there’s several things you can do.

  • put garbage in bear-resistant cans in a secure area bears have no access to
  • wash garbage containers and dumpsters frequently, using disinfectants to reduce odours
  • put garbage on the curb for pick-up the morning of your scheduled date, not the night before
  • don’t leave pet food outdoors
  • clean out your BBQ of food residue, including grease traps after each use
  • install bird feeders during the winter months only
  • no meat, fish or sweet food in your compost
  • keep meat and fish in the freezer until garbage collection day
  • remove berries and other fruit when they ripen on trees; don’t leave any on the ground in bushes to rot