porcupine health unitYour favourite restaurants are safe again, thanks to the Porcupine Health Unit.

Health Inspector Kimberley Caruso says a number of restaurants in the area were seen to have health code violations over the last month or so.

She says most violations are required to be fixed while an inspector is on site, or within the following 24 hours.  Caruso adds they do another check afterwards, and most of the restaurants fixed the issue they had.

“We generally like to try and educate operators, and work with them so that they can fix the problem,” she said.

“If we do see continual problems, or there are larger issues, then potentially they can be charged.”

Caruso adds that if the issue is STILL not fixed after being charged, more charges and legal action could head their way.

She closes by saying that infractions are merely snapshots in time, and don’t reflect what’s happening at restaurants on a daily basis.

To see the Health Unit’s list, CLICK HERE.