
Nickel Belt MPP, France Gelinas is looking to clear more than the roads with the province.

During question period, Gelinas asked why certain parts of Highway 101 from Timmins to Chapleau are classified differently.

France_Gelinas“For some reason, some of Highway 101 is classified as level 2 and some of it is classified as level 3. What does that mean? It means that anyone driving from Ivanhoe or Foleyet to Chapleau or Timmins, or vice versa, will drive on clear pavement for a while, then snow-covered pavement for a while, then clear pavement again. This erratic highway cleaning pattern makes the trip really dangerous.”

The Minister of Transportation is agreeing to look into the issue but Gelinas added  – the road clearing equipment for Highway 144 is located in Gogama, only three kilometres off the main highway.  She says the plow drive three kilometres with their plows up and only put them down when they reach the highway.

“There is no high school in Gogama. Every morning, the students do the one-way 112-kilometre trip to go to Timmins, and yes, you guessed it, they start off on a road that is not plowed.”

“I don’t know who dreams up these things, but they make no sense. They need to be fixed so that the people of northern Ontario can feel secure on our highways.”