One of the best ways to stop sexual violence is to speak up when you see it

Northern College has completed its independent policy and protocol on sexual assault and sexual violence. (available on Northern College Website).

Vice President and Dr. Audrey Penner explains how making this clear information widely available while setting up clear standards and definitions will benefit students and their safety

Penner says the policy and protocol provides precise definitions of sexual assault and sexual violence, sets clear standards for reporting and responding to incidents of sexual violence, and establishes clear processes for complaints and investigations.

The policy also includes measures to ensure that people who make complaints are protected from reprisals, retaliation or threats.

As well, it includes provisions to ensure confidentiality


“Protecting our students and everyone on our campuses is essential,” said Fred Gibbons, President of Northern College. “The new policy and protocol will help ensure  clear information is widely available and that there is immediate and effective help for victims of sexual assault.”