Veronica Farrell couldn’t have picked a better council meeting to make her debut.

She will be sworn in as the Ward 1 city councillor to start off the first meeting of 2017.  From there, the agenda has many different items of note both in and out of the public eye.

Among the items, council will hear a presentation to amend the snowmobile route so riders can go along the edge of Hollinger Park to access the Shell gas station.

The environmental and geotechnical report for the Aquatic Centre (Sportsplex location) will come up, along with detailed designs for the Connecting Link and consideration to bring an English speaking university to town.

But the biggest item of all could very well be the one closed to the public.

City council will go in-camera to discuss a preliminary report from the Ontario Ombudsman regarding their investigation into a couple closed meetings in 2016.

Council starts at 6:00pm.

CLICK HERE for the full council agenda.

Filed under: Local News