There are issues facing Parliamentarians in Ottawa, and the biggest one may not even be in our country.

Timmins-James Bay MP Charlie Angus says for this Parliament session, they need to put a focus back on the middle class. He says people are coming out of post-secondary schooling with more debt and short-term contracts are having a negative effect on the economy.

“That’s affecting our ability to grow the economy and I want to know if (Prime Minister Justin Trudeau)’s got a plan to help Canadian families,” he said.

Another big topic has been the rise of US President Donald Trump, and many of the policies he’s already put into motion.

“This man is proving to be increasingly erratic,” said Angus.

“He’s making decisions that are contrary to the rule of international law and Canada has economic interest with the United States, we’re very close to them.  But we also have to be a voice that’s willing to stand up and say the rule of law around the world has to be protected.

He’s calling on Trudeau to stand up to Trump on “some of his really outrageous actions.”

One of those actions is the ongoing “Muslim ban” saga.  Angus spoke to the Quebec City mosque shootings, in which six men were killed during prayer.

He says while Canada is stepping up to Fox News for misrepresenting the killings, Trump’s Chief of Staff is doing the same as Fox.

“When you elevate the blame game, when you elevate the attacks against minority people, people get hurt,” Angus said.

“Six Canadians were killed in a place where they should have been the safest, and it’s not acceptable that Donald Trump is using these deaths, as Chief of Staff to promote his attacks on Muslim people in the United States.  We have to stand up for our people.”

The most telling of quotes was a look ahead to what 2017 could bring.  Angus was brief.

“Hold on to your hat, it’s only just begun.”

Filed under: Local News