It’s the first of monthly updates leading to a massive local extravaganza, and this one already had news some residents may not take kindly to.

The budget for the Stars and Thunder festival now stands at around $4.1-million dollars, an increase of $600,000.

The extra funds include $350,000 to cover off contract demands for some performers, and another $100,000 for more porta-potties.

Mayor Steve Black says the extra has come by surprise, and the usual suspects came out to voice their displeasure.

Councillor Rick Dubeau pointed out the budget, and how there was a lack of planning.  He says usually they’d go out for estimates to gain some accuracy in putting this together, but that wasn’t the case here.

He suggests that since revenues and expenses match perfectly, the items are more of a wish-list.

Councillor Joe Campbell wished Black well with the festival, but stated they’re still “rolling the dice” with taxpayers money.

“We have no idea where we’re going with this,” he said, “We have no idea what our insurance costs are going to be.  We don’t know what (other) costs are going to be.”

Others, like Councillor Noella Rinaldo, believe they can make up the cost and the proof is what we’ve been seeing over the last year.

Between new festivals last summer to as recent as the Mariana’s Trench concert in January, Timmins is back on the map and people far and wide are taking notice.

Councillor Mike Doody states whether certain council members or staff are against the festival, they have an obligation to make it a success and is glad to see staff take the task on.

“You can put a price on it if you want, but everybody that I know of really are putting their good foot forward to do everything they can to make it a success,” he said.

“It hasn’t been easy,” Doody continued, “I have bumped into some people who certainly have not been totally in favour but I’m going to tell you…if we break even on this, we’ve done well for the community.”

So far, ticket sales have gone to $2.275-million dollars, another $100,000 is confirmed for sponsors and the city anticipates another roughly $1.1-million will be sold by June.

The city needs another 5,500 tickets sold to hit break even projections.

Council also passed four Stars and Thunder items:

  • agreement with ATCO Structures and Logistics for portable trailers and storage containers ($44,555 + HST)
  • agreement with Northern Fencing for fencing ($36,970 + HST)
  • agreement with DJ Taz for all necessary sound and backline equipment for a set up at Gillies Lake ($9,975 + HST)
  • agreement with Northern Environmental Services to provide trash and recycling services ($1,660 + HST)

CLICK HERE for the latest discussion, under Item 4G.  CLICK HERE for Black’s presentation and numbers break down.

Filed under: Local News