There’s no “butts” about it, a healthy colon is a happy colon.

Nurses across the country are bringing awareness to Colorectal Cancer for the month of March, and in Timmins, it’s especially noteworthy as the local hospital runs a “flexible sigmoidoscopy program.”  It’s one of just 10 hospitals in the province that does so.

It’s also the only one in Northern Ontario, with the closest afterwards being in Newmarket.

Program Coordinator and Registered Nurse Sue McArthur says it was launched as a pilot program four years ago and became a fully adopted initiative of Cancer Care Ontario within the last three years.

“We’ve had a good response so far and are hoping to continue on that trend,” she said.

Colorectal cancer is the second deadliest form of Cancer in Canada and the second leading cause of death. 26,100 Canadians will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer; this represents 13% of all new cancer cases in 2016.

According to the Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada, 11,600 women will be diagnosed and 4,300 will die of it. Accordingly 14,500 men will be diagnosed and 5,000 will die of it.

The information booth also serves to educate the public as cancer from the colon or lower bowel is treatable if detected early through screening. That screening is called a flexible sigmoidoscopy which is a flexible scope with a high definition camera with the ability to take pictures and biopsies. It looks for polyps which are a growth on the inside of the large intestine or colon. The polyp may be benign but still needs to be removed as it may become cancer. The screening also looks at cancer at an early stage; when found and treated it can reduce the chance of death by 80-90%.

“With cancer screening (under Cancer Care Ontario’s umbrella) being so readily available, there is a strong push to promote the importance of getting screened regularly,” said Carolyn Dean, Registered Nurse, Flexible Sigmoidoscopy program, Timmins and District Hospital.

“Our message is that if you are between the ages of 50-74, asymptomatic, you should be screened,” added McArthur.

“It takes 10-20 minutes, does not require sedation, and could save your life. The recall for a flexible sigmoidoscopy is every ten years, if criteria are met. We also encourage men and women to discuss a FOTB (Fecal Occult Blood Test) with their family physician as it is an important part of a complete screening regimen.”

Previously, patients had to wait a longer period of time to have the procedure completed by a general surgeon or gastroenterologist. However, access to the procedure has been greatly improved with TADH having the program.

Colorectal Cancer Awareness month is an annual event geared toward increasing the profile of colorectal cancer in Canada and educating the public.

You need a doctor’s referral to participate, but you can also call the hospital to speak with McArthur and Dean at 705-267-2131 extension 2306.

Filed under: Local News