If you see someone on the street, and they’re exhibiting signs of a drug overdose, do you know what to do?

The Porcupine Health Unit says opioid overdoses are the third-leading cause of unintentional death in Ontario—734 people died in 2015 alone—and all kinds of drugs can cause it, from prescription medications to street drugs.

“Opioids are drugs that help relieve pain, but they also slow down your breathing and heart rate,” the PHU states in a release, “An opioid overdose can be fatal because the person stops breathing and their heart stops beating.”

“Opioid medications should only be taken as prescribed and should never be shared with others: one pill can kill,” adds Marisa Bedard, a Public Health Nurse and the Chair for the Timmins and Area Drug Strategy (TADS).

They say TADS is working with a group of members from various organizations to address concerns and ultimately, create a community-wide drug strategy.

Bedard says in the meantimme, residents can help by recognizing the signs and putting a plan into action.

“We want people to recognize the signs of an opioid overdose and not to ignore them or assume it’s something less serious,” she adds.

Signs of an opioid overdose can include any of the following: shallow breathing or not breathing at all, not responding to shaking or shouting, unconsciousness, pin-point pupils, and blue lips or fingertips.

Learning the signs of overdose and reacting quickly could save a life.

Bedard says that when an opioid overdose is suspected, call 911 and start CPR immediately.

If you have access to naloxone, an opioid antidote that temporarily reverses the overdose, give it. It won’t hurt and may help to save a life.

“Naloxone receives a lot of attention in light of the opioid overdose crisis,” states Bedard. “Although naloxone is an important and potentially life-saving tool, it is only one part of a larger strategy to address overdoses. The public can help prevent these tragedies by recognizing the signs of overdose and responding quickly.”

Filed under: Local News