Numerous charges were handed out by Ontario Provincial Police as part of “Operation Corridor,” a 24-hour blitz to promote commercial motor vehicle safety.

They say speeding (127) and faulty equipment (113) led the way among transport drivers in terms of infractions.

“An equipment charge is laid when a transport truck has defective or missing equipment, such as brake lights, braking systems or tires,” OPP say in a release.

There were also 78 charges handed out for seat belts, 57 for following too closely, 40 distracted driving counts and 34 speed limiter charges.

41 trucks were taken out of service as well.

Over 700 transport trucks were stopped throughout Ontario as part of the blitz that took place last Thursday and Friday, June 15-16.

“The OPP is reminding commercial truck drivers that safe driving, proper maintenance and adherence to inspection requirements at all times go a long way to making Ontario roads safe,” provincial police officials add.

Filed under: Local News