The Timmins and Area Drug Strategy is reminding residents to make a plan and stay safe if you plan to drink alcohol.

“Alcohol can affect your judgement, decrease your reaction time, and influence your concentration and decision making,” the TADS say in a press release, “People do things they normally wouldn’t when drinking and with every drink your risk of harm increases.”

According to Jennifer Bisson, a Public Health Nurse with the Porcupine Health Unit, binge drinking is considered more than three drinks for a female and more than four drinks for a male.

She adds it’s easy to lose track and “a hangover and some embarrassing recollections might be the least of your concerns.”

“You can reduce your risk of harm from violence, unsafe or unplanned sex, damage to relationships, problems at work or school, alcohol poisoning, unintentional injuries and even death by knowing your limits and staying in control.”

Bisson provides these tips to decrease harms and avoid binge drinking:

  • Slow down and count your drinks, alternating them with non-alcoholic drinks.
  • Plan ahead for a safe ride home and do not drive or get a ride with someone who has been drinking. Over half of all alcohol related injuries are motor vehicle crashes.
  • Do not mix alcohol with medications, drugs or energy drinks.
  • Think about your reputation, safety and the safety of others.

“Really, the only thing that can sober you up is time,” continues Bisson. “It takes over an hour for your body to process one standard drink. Even though you may not feel the affects you might still have a lot of alcohol in your body.”

“We want residents to be responsible if they are planning to drink alcohol,” says Bisson.

She notes that residents can avoid the harms associated with binge drinking by planning ahead and staying within their limits.

“Celebrate safely and create enjoyable memories that can last a life time not destroy one.”

Filed under: Local News