After the approval of Stars and Thunder 2018 last meeting, you can expect components of the festival to be a regular thing on city council agendas.

Wednesday afternoon will be no different.

A special meeting has been called for noon that day. And while it’s not a lengthy docket, a couple key items will likely be cause for some discussion.

Councillor Rick Dubeau has submitted a letter to request his involvement on a finance committee for Stars and Thunder 2018.

“Every other committee of council has several members of council on it, not one person making all the decisions,” the letter reads, “This is a very important committee with a significant budget, that requires oversight.”

He adds with council passing the eight-day festival, he has no plans of working against it.

“I am simply offering my time and input into the process so as to demonstrate responsibility and transparency.”

Dubeau also alludes to a man named Keld Scott, who apparently volunteered his services as Finance Chair.

“He is the right guy for the job,” Dubeau adds.

Also at the meeting will be a decision on the replacement of a walk-in refrigerator/freezer at the Golden Manor.

They received three bids, the cheapest being from Lacroix Plumbing and Heating for just under $65-thousand dollars plus HST.

The report notes the original plan was to locate a new refrigerator/freezer on the exterior of the building, with access through the kitchen. But upon further investigation and taking other priorities into account, they’ll replace the current system where it currently stands.

It should be noted the original budget approved for this in the 2017 Capital Budget was $598-thousand dollars.

CLICK HERE for the full agenda.

Filed under: city-council-news, Local News