It seems more city councillors are opting for a different route during the 2018 budget process.

A short ‘wish list’ was presented by councillors last week. And instead of asking for additions like road repairs, infrastructure studies and the like, some are simply asking for less spending.

Councillor Rick Dubeau brought back an item from last year that requests department heads look for a decrease of two per cent, along with identifying priorities.

Councillor Pat Bamford says he understands where Dubeau is coming from, but calls the request “impractical” and claiming it not to sound sarcastic, “is only a sound byte.”

“I have no trouble entertaining reasonable cuts,” he said, “But a minus two, when it’s in the order of four to five million dollars is really difficult.”

“It decimates services.”

Dubeau took issue with the “sound byte” comment and reiterates he just wants staff to look at it.

“It’s not a sound byte,” he said, “I really think it’s realistic. I think it’s a responsible thing just to bring this back to look at. I’m not saying we’re going to do it.”

Councillor Noella Rinaldo didn’t add a thing on her wish list. She says she wants to wait for department heads to come out with their budget priorities, adding at the end of the day, council makes the final decisions.

Councillor Veronica Farrell—who herself put on a request to look at an overall one per cent decrease—says raises in salary and utility costs can’t be stopped.

She adds her request is frankly asking department heads to analyze their budgets carefully.

“If there’s something in there that you don’t need this year, don’t put it in to this year,” she said, “If it’s something you absolutely have to have, put it in and give us the time to think about and give the decision for it.”

Wish list items have been deferred until Tuesday’s council meeting.

CLICK HERE to see the wish list.

CLICK HERE to see the discussion on a two per cent decrease, under Item 4.

Filed under: Local News