Begin date: April 23, 2018
Begin time: 9:00 AM
Estimated end date: April 30, 2018
Estimated end time: 9:00 AM
Location: Theriault from Vimy to THVS Entrance
Alternate route: Access to École Secondaire Theriault and College Boreal via Gilles.

Theriault Boulevard will be closed from Vimy to the TH& VS entrance for vehicular safety reasons.

With the warm weather, melt water is coming onto Theriault boulevard making pothole patching impossible.

Large potholes forming under water are not visible to the motoring public.

Public Works is asking the only local traffic utilize Theriault Boulevard from Jubilee, and that Access to École Secondaire Theriault and College Boral be made via the Gilles street entrance.

Public Works will reopen Theriault Blvd. once the melt is over and the potholes can be patched in dryer conditions.