Timmins Police Official-Badge

The Timmins Police Service is issuing a public advisory in regards to a recent spate in residential break-ins occurring in the north end of the city.

The majority of these break-in incidents are occurring after dark with unlocked garages and sheds being the target of choice for thieves.

As a public service advisory, residents are reminded that an unlocked storage facility makes for an easy target for petty thieves.

It is strongly recommended that all such facilities be secured by means of a deadbolt locking device or something of a similar nature.

It is further recommended that high value items should be stored out of sight as to reduce the likelihood of enticing thieves from breaking in.

Wherever possible, the serial numbers for such items should be kept on file to assist with locating these items should they be taken during a theft occurrence.

All after dark suspicious activity, such as the presence of strange vehicles or persons loitering, should be reported to the police immediately.

The premise of “Lock It or Lose It” is a simple one and one that merits the attention of home owners. Simple preventative measures will reduce the likelihood of a break-in occurring.

The Timmins Police has a number of open break-in related investigations underway at present.

Neglect or failing to take proper theft reduction precautions will only increase the odds of becoming a victim of theft.

Filed under: Local News